We have a Fly-In at an airport restaurant somewhere in Southern California at 1030L every third Sunday of each month, kind of like a UTA. All Grizzlys are invited, with their families! You can fly, drive, ride, walk, crawl, or slither.

If you have a suggestion for a Fly-In location, or want to get on the mailing list for the Grizzly Fly-Ins, send an e-mail to CMAC@grzly.org

If you would like to see some past Fly-Ins, click HERE.

Even More of the December Fly In at French Valley

Jeanie and RB's T-34

Bobby, Milt and Russ' Mooney

Bobby, Milt and EJ

Jack, Dru, Hap and Mr. Aztec

Milt's Mustang

EJ's beautiful Navion

Hap's Cessna today

Hap's Cessna 150 someday